
© M.C. Escher | Bond of Union
Möbius is an H2020 project whose main goal is to renew and invigorate the European publishing sector by providing them with methods and tools to leverage the potential of prosumers in innovation processes and thus guaranteeing user-centric and user-driven perspectives in the design and delivery of new enriched media experiences.
Our main contribution in Möbius is conducting data-driven analysis of different communities of users, particularly focused on fan communities (AO3, FanFiction, Fandom and other spaces like Reddit, applying data mining techniques to extract knowledge from the analysis of collective behaviours of prosumers.
21/04/22 Möbius Award Ceremony
Möbius Awards Ceremony and announced the winners of its Open Call for manuscripts
01/03/22 Post on the Möbius blog
Blog post with the summary of the work performed by our Computational Social Science team: "Predicting content popularity in fanfiction communities"